Friday, December 23, 2011

Time for Christmas!

Alright, so you may be wondering how Christmas works in New Zealand. According to Elder Hoffman it's pretty relaxed, and definitely not as big as in the U.S., but they still have Christmas none the less. So Elder Hoffman and his companion will be "family hopping" for their Christmas, meaning they'll be visiting a bunch of families that they have gotten pretty close to.

Also, Elder Hoffman mentioned how it didn't really feel like Christmas to him because it's summer down in New Zealand, and there also isn't any snow. Well, I guess we're in the same boat. Here in Utah we also don't have any snow, which is very weird. Usually we have two feet of snow in October, but this year it's a green/dead grass and leafless tree Christmas. No snow to be seen except for up in the mountains. It's also not unheard of to go surfing on Christmas day in New Zealand, but Elder Hoffman won't be doing that. :(

Alright, let's end off this post with a reminder of what Christmas truly means. Elder Hoffman mentioned the First Presidency Christmas Devotional a couple weeks ago. Our prophet, Thomas S. Monson, and his counselors reminded us of what we are really celebrating, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I hope we can all remember to give him a gift this year. Be it service, or just bettering ourselves to grow closer to him and our Heavenly Father, let's make sure that we give it sincerely so that we can be ready to receive the countless blessings that they are waiting to give us.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Elder Williams

Well, you may be wondering how this new missionary training is going for our Elder Hoffman. I've gotten a few pictures and videos with Elder Williams in them and he seems to be a really great guy. He describes himself as "a great, outgoing guy who likes long walks on the beach.... :D and is really happy to be out in the mission field." He sure seems like a fun companion, and the training is going really well. They've already had two baptism commitments, one next saturday and then another on Christmas Eve. The work is really moving along down in New Zealand, and Elder Hoffman and his new companion are loving it.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Companion!!!!!!

Alright, so this is Elder Hoffman's new companion, fresh out of the MTC and ready to save some souls. As you can see, he is really tall, just like all of Elder Hoffman's other companions so far. He said that that he's really excited to train him cause he seems like such a great missionary. Also, he said that he reminded him of the comedian Jim Gaffigan, so that should be pretty fun. Alright, that all for now, but I'll keep posting more updates as they come.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Elder Hoffman!

Last Thursday was Dana's twentieth birthday. He's now two decades old! He also said that he got a lot of letters and packages the day before, so he had a great time opening them on his actual birthday. He's so grateful for all the support and prayers, and all the great letters and packages. For anyone wanting to write him a letter or send a package, his mission home address is on the left here. He may not get it for a while though, cause they tend to hold it at the mission home for a while, but he will get it none the less.

Oh, but on another note, an update on his mission. He is actually getting a new companion, cause Elder Keyes, his companion, went home yesterday. His two years are up and he's back home, in South Africa, today. Oh, but his new companion will be fresh out of the MTC, so Elder Hoffman will get the chance to be a trainer. Super exciting! Alright, that is all for now, but I'll post more updates as they come.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Also, A Recent Letter/Update

So this is just a snip-it of one of his recent emails, hope you enjoy!

Its humbling to me; so my area that I'm in right now is the... Ghetto (luckily, they don't have guns here)! Most to all of the people we teach are living in poverty. Many families have 10+ people living in a one story house with four bedrooms and one bath... Or less. Many couples live in someone's garage, with a bathroom added to it. We teach people, they progress in the Gospel, then life strikes and they are kicked out of their homes and they disappear the next day. As I serve these people, I recall Jesus walking amongst the poor, meek, and humble, seeing their struggles to just survive. But He then stepped in, not to save them from their temporal situation, not to rescue them from their mortal sufferings, but He gave them the opportunity to receive everlasting joy beyond what this life can offer, for this life is but a moment, and their sufferings were for their benefit and gain. I do not have the capacity to fix all the earthly problems which these people face, but I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to share this everlasting joy which Jesus Christ Himself is able to give freely, if they will follow Him. Many state that they are fine with their religion, or they enjoy boozing their life away, and have no need for religion.

Haha, funny story! So, Heavenly Father has his own plan for us. He will place us where we are needed the most... Well, as Elder Keyes and I rode to visit a family (we deemed them the Cheetah Girl family... for they have daughters that are at that age where cheetah patterned clothing is awesome, and make-up is caked on), and on the way to this family, we saw a girl outside her house. We talk to everyone we see, so we bike up with smiles on our faces and asked "hello! How are you today!" She said "not so good, I'm locked outside my house, and I need to get inside to get my keys so I can visit my father in the Hospital." This was definitely a delema. Well, my companion replied, "I'm from Africa, I know how to break into houses! Hmm... My companion here can probably fit through that window over there!" She was a little shocked, having that questioning face like most people do when something out of the norm is said... But she accepted the offer! So, I was lifted up to this window that was pretty high up and I slid right through the window, right onto a couch! And I opened the door for this lady. Hahahaha! She went into her house and came right back out with some keys and she said, "So, is there anything that I can do for you missionaries?" We replied that we were fine, but wondered if she would be open to sitting down with us to hear about how God has called another prophet today. She stood back and gave it some thought and came back with, "you know... I'm of a different faith, but I know some mormons... You know what, sure, why not. I've always turned away the missionaries, but since my dad was diagnosed with cancer... I think you guys coming around could be God calling out to me... by having you guys break into my house!" Hahaha, Heavenly Father reaches out to His children in countless ways, and this girl needed it in this way at this time... Who knew sharing the Gospel would include breaking into houses! (Also, I've had the opportunity to break into every single flat I've visited, that house, and a few chapels... Haha, I know I looked like the most dodgey missionary, but I know that it was done out of righteousness

Baba Kake

A few weeks ago, Elder Hoffman and his new companion, Elder Keyes, were able to baptize this young lady and bring her into the church. Her name is Baba Kake, and her brother is a member of the church and serving a mission on the southern island of New Zealand right now. Before he went on his mission she was never really interested, but since he left she has had her heart softened, and has been able to become a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Elder Hoffman called her "golden" because she truly does love the gospel, and nothing was going to stop her from being a part of it. She did a complete 180 in her life, and is now reaping the rewards. When Elder Hoffman first knocked on her door, her mother answered and said they didn't need any missionaries, but then Baba came up behind her and told them that she would like to talk to them. Her mother tried to stop her and tell Elder Hoffman and his companion that she was being crazy, but she just told them to come by tomorrow and talk to her. They did, and her conversion process was swift, and powerful. She is now a shining example to her family and all those she meets. Because she made this decision her posterity will also be able to enjoy the blessings of the gospel. I hope we can also learn from Baba's example, and not let anything get in the way of doing what the Lord wants us to.

Just another story from New Zealand. Hope you enjoy. Elder Hoffman has had many baptisms, but this one has been quite the experience and he always writes about it, so now you get to hear abou it too. He's continuing to do the Lord's work, and becoming the best missionary he can. Like any other missionary, he has tough times, like when it down pour rains out of no where, but he keeps his chin up and always has a smile on his face. He is one strong and diligent missionary, and is continuing to save souls out in New Zealand.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Transfers= New Companion

So last week was transfers week, and Elder Hoffman and Elder Jensen weren't suppose to be split up, but Elder Jensen got called to be a zone leader, so Elder Hoffman now has a new companion. His name is Elder Keyes, and he is from South Africa. He's still in Manarewe, he just has gotten the privilage of having a new companion. He's been told that Elder Keyes is the best, so very high hopes that they can get along and be good friends.
The work is still going great, and Elder Hoffman has so many opportunities to have investigators baptized and bring them into the church. He's being such a great missionary and really he's loving the work he's doing out there in New Zealand. Just another update, hope you enjoy.

Friday, September 30, 2011


So a couple weeks ago, Elder Hoffman and his companion Elder Jensen, had a baptism. It was for a little girl, her name is Angel, she is nine years old, and she really is an angel. So with the baptism, it was a bit chaotic. A lot of important people didn't show up, so Elder Hoffman and his companion ended up doing most of it. That morning though, his companion told him to pack his baptism clothes just in case. Well, the guy who was going to baptize Angel didn't show up, So! Elder Hoffman did the actual baptism. How amazing is that?! He is doing an amazing job out in New Zealand, and saving some souls.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Updates From New Zealand

Alright, just a bit of info on his mission so far. His companion is Elder Jensen, he's 6'1, a lot taller than Dana, so that should be fun, and he's got red hair, I guess that stood out a lot from his other features. He's goofy, but a very hard worker. Also, Dana is serving in Manurewa (man-a-day-wa). It's basically a suburb of Auckland. He has had a lot great spiritual experiences and he's loving the work. I have also updated his mailing address. It is the mission home address, but of course, they will get any letters that you would like to send to him as quick as possible. I'm sure he would love to hear how we're all doing. Okay, I will post more updates as they come.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Finally In New Zealand

Alright, so Elder Hoffman is now in New Zealand, and doing great. The first day he got there, him and his companion were teaching this guy, and Elder Hoffman got a prompting to ask him if he wanted to get baptized. He followed that prompting, and already, he's got a baptism commitment. He's being quite the missionary, and already saving souls. I have yet to receive his mailing address, but once I get it, I will post it so that you all can give him support and encouragement. He's doing great, and loving the work.

More MTC Photos!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dana's 1st Letter

Wow, that's all i have to say for this place! Its saturated in the Spirit! But let me tell ya about these first few days: I got here, not completely sure what to expect, but having a desire to learn as much as my crazy brain can handle! I got walked around, having no sense of directin, and finally ended up at my classroom. Here, I met my companions (Elder Clark and elder Smith), yes I am in a trio... Kind of! After becoming instant brothers with these elders and the elders in my district, we dived into our lessons. What I came to find out, is that my "class" is the first to ever experience this new curiculum they just set in place that day! so the basic idea of it is that "We teach people, not lessons, thoug the holy Ghost." so the last few days, which seemed like a jam pack knowledge session into my head, we've learned how to teach people according to their needs, allowing them to be touched by the Spirit and have it testify to them! We have what's called "progressive investigators" which are basically either actors or teachers playing an investigator, and we go in and teach them. Of course we have a lesson planned, but if the investigator has a need which isn't in our plan, we should go with the spirit, and teache them what they need to know to come unto Christ; it's a brilliant concept! Well, if you cant tell, I'm doing just fine =) I am loving the Gospel more than ever, being filled with the Spirit, what more can I ask for!

The Beginning

So Dana has now been out for almost a week, and he's doing fantastic. He says that the spirit is so strong down at the MTC, and that he is loving this new way of life that he has been thrown into. That's just Dana though, always wanting to try something new, even if it does mean that he will be in a different country for two years. At least those two years will be spent in a place that is as close to paradise as you can get. New Zealand will be quite the adventure indeed, and this blog will keep all of us updated on such amazing adventures.

I'm sure he would enjoy any letters you would like to send him, and his current address is on his facebook page. But! if you do not have a facebook account then it would be kind of difficult to get such an address, so I'll make it easy for you, and also post it on here.

Elder Dana John Hoffman

MTC Mailbox # 392
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E

Provo, UT 84604-1793

We're all rooting for you Elder Hoffman, now go save some souls!!!!