Sunday, August 28, 2011

Finally In New Zealand

Alright, so Elder Hoffman is now in New Zealand, and doing great. The first day he got there, him and his companion were teaching this guy, and Elder Hoffman got a prompting to ask him if he wanted to get baptized. He followed that prompting, and already, he's got a baptism commitment. He's being quite the missionary, and already saving souls. I have yet to receive his mailing address, but once I get it, I will post it so that you all can give him support and encouragement. He's doing great, and loving the work.

More MTC Photos!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Dana's 1st Letter

Wow, that's all i have to say for this place! Its saturated in the Spirit! But let me tell ya about these first few days: I got here, not completely sure what to expect, but having a desire to learn as much as my crazy brain can handle! I got walked around, having no sense of directin, and finally ended up at my classroom. Here, I met my companions (Elder Clark and elder Smith), yes I am in a trio... Kind of! After becoming instant brothers with these elders and the elders in my district, we dived into our lessons. What I came to find out, is that my "class" is the first to ever experience this new curiculum they just set in place that day! so the basic idea of it is that "We teach people, not lessons, thoug the holy Ghost." so the last few days, which seemed like a jam pack knowledge session into my head, we've learned how to teach people according to their needs, allowing them to be touched by the Spirit and have it testify to them! We have what's called "progressive investigators" which are basically either actors or teachers playing an investigator, and we go in and teach them. Of course we have a lesson planned, but if the investigator has a need which isn't in our plan, we should go with the spirit, and teache them what they need to know to come unto Christ; it's a brilliant concept! Well, if you cant tell, I'm doing just fine =) I am loving the Gospel more than ever, being filled with the Spirit, what more can I ask for!

The Beginning

So Dana has now been out for almost a week, and he's doing fantastic. He says that the spirit is so strong down at the MTC, and that he is loving this new way of life that he has been thrown into. That's just Dana though, always wanting to try something new, even if it does mean that he will be in a different country for two years. At least those two years will be spent in a place that is as close to paradise as you can get. New Zealand will be quite the adventure indeed, and this blog will keep all of us updated on such amazing adventures.

I'm sure he would enjoy any letters you would like to send him, and his current address is on his facebook page. But! if you do not have a facebook account then it would be kind of difficult to get such an address, so I'll make it easy for you, and also post it on here.

Elder Dana John Hoffman

MTC Mailbox # 392
NZE-AUC 0824
2005 N 900 E

Provo, UT 84604-1793

We're all rooting for you Elder Hoffman, now go save some souls!!!!