Sunday, November 20, 2011

New Companion!!!!!!

Alright, so this is Elder Hoffman's new companion, fresh out of the MTC and ready to save some souls. As you can see, he is really tall, just like all of Elder Hoffman's other companions so far. He said that that he's really excited to train him cause he seems like such a great missionary. Also, he said that he reminded him of the comedian Jim Gaffigan, so that should be pretty fun. Alright, that all for now, but I'll keep posting more updates as they come.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Birthday Elder Hoffman!

Last Thursday was Dana's twentieth birthday. He's now two decades old! He also said that he got a lot of letters and packages the day before, so he had a great time opening them on his actual birthday. He's so grateful for all the support and prayers, and all the great letters and packages. For anyone wanting to write him a letter or send a package, his mission home address is on the left here. He may not get it for a while though, cause they tend to hold it at the mission home for a while, but he will get it none the less.

Oh, but on another note, an update on his mission. He is actually getting a new companion, cause Elder Keyes, his companion, went home yesterday. His two years are up and he's back home, in South Africa, today. Oh, but his new companion will be fresh out of the MTC, so Elder Hoffman will get the chance to be a trainer. Super exciting! Alright, that is all for now, but I'll post more updates as they come.