Friday, March 29, 2013

It's Been a While, Huh?

Alright, so it has been quite some time since there have been any updates on Elder Hoffman's mission blog,
I hope to rectify this mistake, and hope you will forgive me.

Elder Hoffman has been having quite the time serving the Lord out in New Zealand.
He is currently in Gisborne, and he is the zone leader there. 
He has been there for a couple months, had a few companions,
 and learned to really love the people in Gisborne.

Here is one of the recent pictures of our Elder Hoffman.
He looks pretty dang happy, huh?

And here are just a couple pictures of his current area

Gisborne is a beach town, 
and is the furthest south area in the Auckland, New Zealand mission

In other news, with the addition of new missions, 
New Zealand was lucky enough to gain a third mission.
There used to be only Auckland and Wellington, 
and now there is a Hamilton, New Zealand Mission.

The work is going forth!

Thanks for checking up, and remember to send Elder Hoffman some letters.
He really does love them.

Thanks so much!!!