Alright, so this is Elder Lawrie
Dana's 6th Companion

Sorry this is a little late though. Elder Hoffman got his new companion about three weeks ago. (Oops!). So far though, they have been having a lot of success and have been working really well with each other.
So Elder Lawrie just came out of the MTC, so Elder Hoffman gets to train again. He just turned 19 in February, and he's more than ready to share the gospel. He is from Melbourne Australia, so we've got an Aussie preachin among the Kiwis, but he's got some Maori blood in him, so he fits in real well. The one thing Elder Hoffman loves about this guy is that he's ready to work and he is so excited to be out there.
Sorry about being so late on the Update,
But I hope you enjoyed.
Let's keep Elder Hoffman in our prayers and keep encouraging him to work hard.
Thanks Everybody!