Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Transfer!

Alright, so last week, Elder Hoffman got transferred to a new area. Here's a snip it of his last email, explaining his new area. Hope you enjoy!

"Yes, I am now in a new area called Whangarei (F-a-n-gar-ray) and I got my new Companion Elder Mulipola!!!! He's the man! He's from Samoa, his english is pretty good, concidering he's only been out for 3 months. We have so much fun together! But he's a really hard worker. I love this Elder! 

Well, there are some amazing people in this place, but first I'll tell you about the Area, my flat, and then the people!
AREA: So, Whangarei is a good little city. Where I'm serving at is Raumanga and a few other part that I don't know the names of... Anyway! Its a good size place filled with prepared people! Still heaps of Maoris, but meeting some islanders here and there... Oh, and white people!
Flat...... Its a desaster that I've had to clean for about 3 hours today, I smell like bleach! But it'll be worth it when I fall asleep in a none flee infested, mold growing, pee smelling flat =)
Ok, it coolest person out here is a guy named Maka. He's a recent convert who is from New way (that's not how you spell the island's name... but oh well)! He's our main man for fellowship and he loves the elders!
Our main investigator is Dos and Tash. Tash is a member and Dos is the soon to be husband. Just like most places I've been in, I need to marry them! But Dos is awesome. They are good couple who come every Sunday and sit near the front. But the thing is, Dos doesn't look like the churchy kind of guy, yet he loves it. Tash reminds me of Ezzy (Lydia's friend), but a bit softer. They are planning on getting married within a month or two... I'm not sure just yet, but they are doing well!
Next is Barbra and her two children. Barbra is a great Maori mum who is young but has been through way too much. She's in a tough situation with her life, but is seeking for something good for her family. She invited us over after some service we did for her. She wants her children to get into something wholesome. She said the other day she's looking for some light in her life... Well, she's found it! We're just trying to help her see it =) Lovely lady though and she loves the missionaries and wants us to stop by whenever we can to just hangout with her kids. Her kids that we are teaching are Chance (11yr old) and Tyreese (9 yr old). She has three other kids and they are funny, but a bit wild when new people come over (like kids are at 1-3yr old).
Well, this is my week! I love my new area and I'm excited to preach this wonderful Gospel to all those around me! I am so grateful for my Savior... I know he's been carrying me for the past few months and I am so grateful. Sometime we must go through the fires to appricate a cool breeze."

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