Thursday, November 1, 2012

"There is Much Wisdom in This One"

So a couple weeks ago, we had another transfer.
Elder Hoffman is still in Rotorua,
He just has another companion. 
His name is Elder Middleton.

Here's a litte excerpt from one of Elder Hoffman's recent emails,
Telling us a little about Elder Middleton.

"I have a new Companion!! His name is Elder Middleton! Now, let me share a bit about Elder Middleton; he is a convert of a little less than 3 years. His family is Born Again Christians and he is the only member in his family... He is a fantastic Elder with a strong testimony. His conversion story is just that, a conversion of his own free will and choice, I will have to share with you about it another time. But I am so, so grateful to be with him, I have learned so much from him in these short few days I've been with him, there is much wisdom in this one! I am excited to be with him! 
We will baptize this whole place!"

Also, here are some pictures that I recently received.
Thought you guys would enjoy some of his goofy photos.

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