Thursday, July 18, 2013

Welcome Home Elder Hoffman!!!

Our Elder Hoffman got home this Tuesday.
Here's a couple pictures from the airport.

Hugging his mom

Mauled by excited kids

Hope to see you all at the homecoming this Sunday!


  1. I am so happy for you (even if I do not know you!) These first few weeks are the hardest/best weeks ever! I can remember so vividly when my husband came home. Remember that his mom is #1! I promise she missed him more than you did! Make sure he has time to sit and tell her all the stories and answer all the questions she has. My husband jumped back into life so fast that he never had the chance! Stay positive! :)


    1. Oh believe me, it's been hard, but worth it. I definitely gave him his time though, and I made sure that I didn't even come into the picture until he had spent loads of time with his family, and especially with his mom. He may have come home Tuesday, but I didn't see him until Friday. Thank you so much though! It really is so surreal. :)
