A few weeks ago, Elder Hoffman and his new companion, Elder Keyes, were able to baptize this young lady and bring her into the church. Her name is Baba Kake, and her brother is a member of the church and serving a mission on the southern island of New Zealand right now. Before he went on his mission she was never really interested, but since he left she has had her heart softened, and has been able to become a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Elder Hoffman called her "golden" because she truly does love the gospel, and nothing was going to stop her from being a part of it. She did a complete 180 in her life, and is now reaping the rewards. When Elder Hoffman first knocked on her door, her mother answered and said they didn't need any missionaries, but then Baba came up behind her and told them that she would like to talk to them. Her mother tried to stop her and tell Elder Hoffman and his companion that she was being crazy, but she just told them to come by tomorrow and talk to her. They did, and her conversion process was swift, and powerful. She is now a shining example to her family and all those she meets. Because she made this decision her posterity will also be able to enjoy the blessings of the gospel. I hope we can also learn from Baba's example, and not let anything get in the way of doing what the Lord wants us to.
Just another story from New Zealand. Hope you enjoy. Elder Hoffman has had many baptisms, but this one has been quite the experience and he always writes about it, so now you get to hear abou it too. He's continuing to do the Lord's work, and becoming the best missionary he can. Like any other missionary, he has tough times, like when it down pour rains out of no where, but he keeps his chin up and always has a smile on his face. He is one strong and diligent missionary, and is continuing to save souls out in New Zealand.
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