Sunday, March 11, 2012


Alright, so here are a few pictures from our Elder Hoffman's new area, Kaikohe.

Here's a picture from one of their recent baptisms. The little girl in white, Heeni McGregor, with her whole family and the Elders. Elder Hoffman is on the left, and his companion, Elder Lamb, is on the right.

Here's a picture from one of Elder Hoffman's adventures on P-day. Him and the other elders in his district found this beautiful waterfall and had fun exploring it.

Here's a picture of Elder Hoffman and all the Kaikohe area missionaries. This was taken after they went hiking through the glow worm caves near the city.

Here's just a picture that Elder Hoffman took to help you guys get a feel for how truly beautiful it is there. No doubt trying to make us feel jealous about how he's serving a mission in the closest place to paradise.

Well, I hope you've all enjoyed. I'll try to update more, soon.

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