Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A New Companion, baptisms, and lots of Miracles: Just the Life of a Missionary

Alright, so first off, this is Elder Hoffman's New companion,
Elder Peni ( like penny)

Elder Hoffman is still in Whangarei though.

They have already had a couple baptisms together

This is Jacob Kirby

He is the man, as Elder Hoffman says. 
He first got interested in the gospel when the missionaries came to visit his step mom, who is a less active member. After a few trials and challenges he was finally able to get baptized, and he really loves this gospel. He was even ordained a priest the day after his baptism. Just another miracle.

Then, this last Saturday, they had another baptism,

At Wata's baptism, Satan was really trying to keep this guy from coming.
They just had a really hard time getting this guy a ride to the chapel.
In the end, the bishop went and got him.
The same thing happened on Sunday though, so the Elders had to go pick him up for church. 
But, a miracle all the same.

Just a wonderful couple of weeks for our Elder Hoffman,
And what an amazing missionary he has become.

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