Monday, August 13, 2012

Zone Leader!!!!

Alright, so I'm sorry I have not updated in a while, but we have very good news!!! A couple weeks ago, Elder Hoffman got transferred again. In his new area, he has been called to be a zone leader! His new area is the Hamilton area, which includes the temple, and is the second largest area in the mission. Also, Elder Hoffman and his new companion have already been companions before, only for a few days though. When he first got into the MTC, he was put into a companionship of three, but one of the Elders in his group, went home, so Elder Smith (his old, and now new, companion) got put with the Elder who had been left. This is a picture of the two in their new area.

Now, not only did we have some great new accomplishments, new companions, and new areas, but we also had his year mark. Elder Hoffman had his hump day, and now it's all down hill. But we all know that day can be bitter sweet out in the mission field. Hopefully it's just another motivator to work hard and do all the Lord asks. I hope we can do the same. 

Remember to keep Elder Hoffman in your prayers, and to send him a letter or two every now and again. Thanks for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed this update.

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