Thursday, November 1, 2012

"There is Much Wisdom in This One"

So a couple weeks ago, we had another transfer.
Elder Hoffman is still in Rotorua,
He just has another companion. 
His name is Elder Middleton.

Here's a litte excerpt from one of Elder Hoffman's recent emails,
Telling us a little about Elder Middleton.

"I have a new Companion!! His name is Elder Middleton! Now, let me share a bit about Elder Middleton; he is a convert of a little less than 3 years. His family is Born Again Christians and he is the only member in his family... He is a fantastic Elder with a strong testimony. His conversion story is just that, a conversion of his own free will and choice, I will have to share with you about it another time. But I am so, so grateful to be with him, I have learned so much from him in these short few days I've been with him, there is much wisdom in this one! I am excited to be with him! 
We will baptize this whole place!"

Also, here are some pictures that I recently received.
Thought you guys would enjoy some of his goofy photos.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Rotorua and Elder Beecher

Well, a couple weeks back, Elder Hoffman had another Transfer.
He's now in Rotorua. 
And his new companion is Elder Beecher. 

We just got this picture from him today.
That's Elder Hoffman on the right,
And Elder Beecher on the left.

They've already had a baptism, which was yesterday, 
And had a lot of success with new investigators.

Here's a little map to show you where Rotorua is, 
cause to be honest, I had absolutely no idea.
Thank you google maps.

Rotorua is next to a large lake (despite what the map says)
and it is named after the lake.
Rotorua is most well known for it's geothermal activity though. 
So lots of stinky geysers.

Elder Hoffman noted that it is kind of smelly there,
but the work is abounding.
Always a positive attitude.

Well, until next time, 
And remember to keep Elder Hoffman in your prayers.
Thank You!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Zone Leader!!!!

Alright, so I'm sorry I have not updated in a while, but we have very good news!!! A couple weeks ago, Elder Hoffman got transferred again. In his new area, he has been called to be a zone leader! His new area is the Hamilton area, which includes the temple, and is the second largest area in the mission. Also, Elder Hoffman and his new companion have already been companions before, only for a few days though. When he first got into the MTC, he was put into a companionship of three, but one of the Elders in his group, went home, so Elder Smith (his old, and now new, companion) got put with the Elder who had been left. This is a picture of the two in their new area.

Now, not only did we have some great new accomplishments, new companions, and new areas, but we also had his year mark. Elder Hoffman had his hump day, and now it's all down hill. But we all know that day can be bitter sweet out in the mission field. Hopefully it's just another motivator to work hard and do all the Lord asks. I hope we can do the same. 

Remember to keep Elder Hoffman in your prayers, and to send him a letter or two every now and again. Thanks for reading, and I hope you've enjoyed this update.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A New Companion, baptisms, and lots of Miracles: Just the Life of a Missionary

Alright, so first off, this is Elder Hoffman's New companion,
Elder Peni ( like penny)

Elder Hoffman is still in Whangarei though.

They have already had a couple baptisms together

This is Jacob Kirby

He is the man, as Elder Hoffman says. 
He first got interested in the gospel when the missionaries came to visit his step mom, who is a less active member. After a few trials and challenges he was finally able to get baptized, and he really loves this gospel. He was even ordained a priest the day after his baptism. Just another miracle.

Then, this last Saturday, they had another baptism,

At Wata's baptism, Satan was really trying to keep this guy from coming.
They just had a really hard time getting this guy a ride to the chapel.
In the end, the bishop went and got him.
The same thing happened on Sunday though, so the Elders had to go pick him up for church. 
But, a miracle all the same.

Just a wonderful couple of weeks for our Elder Hoffman,
And what an amazing missionary he has become.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Some Photos From Whangarei

This Is Elder Hoffman and his New Companion,

 Elder Mulipola

And this is Elder Hoffman enjoying P-day by playing on a random Rope swing that they found.

This Is him and a couple of the other elders in his area.

And this is a picture of their entire zone.

I hope you enjoyed the new photos!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Another Transfer!

Alright, so last week, Elder Hoffman got transferred to a new area. Here's a snip it of his last email, explaining his new area. Hope you enjoy!

"Yes, I am now in a new area called Whangarei (F-a-n-gar-ray) and I got my new Companion Elder Mulipola!!!! He's the man! He's from Samoa, his english is pretty good, concidering he's only been out for 3 months. We have so much fun together! But he's a really hard worker. I love this Elder! 

Well, there are some amazing people in this place, but first I'll tell you about the Area, my flat, and then the people!
AREA: So, Whangarei is a good little city. Where I'm serving at is Raumanga and a few other part that I don't know the names of... Anyway! Its a good size place filled with prepared people! Still heaps of Maoris, but meeting some islanders here and there... Oh, and white people!
Flat...... Its a desaster that I've had to clean for about 3 hours today, I smell like bleach! But it'll be worth it when I fall asleep in a none flee infested, mold growing, pee smelling flat =)
Ok, it coolest person out here is a guy named Maka. He's a recent convert who is from New way (that's not how you spell the island's name... but oh well)! He's our main man for fellowship and he loves the elders!
Our main investigator is Dos and Tash. Tash is a member and Dos is the soon to be husband. Just like most places I've been in, I need to marry them! But Dos is awesome. They are good couple who come every Sunday and sit near the front. But the thing is, Dos doesn't look like the churchy kind of guy, yet he loves it. Tash reminds me of Ezzy (Lydia's friend), but a bit softer. They are planning on getting married within a month or two... I'm not sure just yet, but they are doing well!
Next is Barbra and her two children. Barbra is a great Maori mum who is young but has been through way too much. She's in a tough situation with her life, but is seeking for something good for her family. She invited us over after some service we did for her. She wants her children to get into something wholesome. She said the other day she's looking for some light in her life... Well, she's found it! We're just trying to help her see it =) Lovely lady though and she loves the missionaries and wants us to stop by whenever we can to just hangout with her kids. Her kids that we are teaching are Chance (11yr old) and Tyreese (9 yr old). She has three other kids and they are funny, but a bit wild when new people come over (like kids are at 1-3yr old).
Well, this is my week! I love my new area and I'm excited to preach this wonderful Gospel to all those around me! I am so grateful for my Savior... I know he's been carrying me for the past few months and I am so grateful. Sometime we must go through the fires to appricate a cool breeze."

A Few Photos from Kaikohe

Leroy's Baptism

Trip to the Hamilton Temple

Changing one of Jeffery's (The car) tires

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Alright, Another New companion!

Alright, so this is Elder Lawrie
Dana's 6th Companion

Sorry this is a little late though. Elder Hoffman got his new companion about three weeks ago. (Oops!). So far though, they have been having a lot of success and have been working really well with each other.

So Elder Lawrie just came out of the MTC, so Elder Hoffman gets to train again. He just turned 19 in February, and he's more than ready to share the gospel. He is from Melbourne Australia, so we've got an Aussie preachin among the Kiwis, but he's got some Maori blood in him, so he fits in real well. The one thing Elder Hoffman loves about this guy is that he's ready to work and he is so excited to be out there.

Sorry about being so late on the Update,
But I hope you enjoyed.
Let's keep Elder Hoffman in our prayers and keep encouraging him to work hard.
Thanks Everybody!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Alright, so here are a few pictures from our Elder Hoffman's new area, Kaikohe.

Here's a picture from one of their recent baptisms. The little girl in white, Heeni McGregor, with her whole family and the Elders. Elder Hoffman is on the left, and his companion, Elder Lamb, is on the right.

Here's a picture from one of Elder Hoffman's adventures on P-day. Him and the other elders in his district found this beautiful waterfall and had fun exploring it.

Here's a picture of Elder Hoffman and all the Kaikohe area missionaries. This was taken after they went hiking through the glow worm caves near the city.

Here's just a picture that Elder Hoffman took to help you guys get a feel for how truly beautiful it is there. No doubt trying to make us feel jealous about how he's serving a mission in the closest place to paradise.

Well, I hope you've all enjoyed. I'll try to update more, soon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

New Area, New Companion, And a Whole New Adventure!!!

So last week, our Elder Hoffman got transferred to a brand new area! He is now the district leader in Kaikohe. Here's a picture of how gorgeous the country side is there. And it is very different from Manurewa, the ghetto of Auckland. It is quiet and absolutely Beautiful!!! but still very full of the work, and full of people who are ready to hear the gospel.

Now, with a new transfer, comes a new companion, Elder Lamb. And, following the trend, he's a very tall red head.
Well, our Elder Hoffman is still loving the work and working hard. Lets keep him in our prayers, and send him letters. He loves them, and he's grateful for everyone back home, giving him support and strength to work harder and do his best to help build up the kingdom.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Alright, time for another update on Elder Hoffman's mission thus far! So, as we all know, missions are a lot of hard work, but they are filled with a rich amount of blessings. These past couple of weeks, Elder Hoffman and his companion, Elder Williams, have been enjoying their share of these promised blessings. After a lot of hardship and work, they were able to see and experience many miracles. They now have about twenty people currently in their stewardship, and every single one of these people are miracles. I would just like to inform you about a very special one. Her name is Doris, she is 52, and she is a prime example of what makes these two years worth it for these missionaries.

So before Elder Hoffman left on his mission, I shared with him this story, and I would like to share it with you now.


The following event took place in a ward in Salt Lake City in 1974. It occurred during Sacrament Meeting and was told to me by a Regional Representative of the twelve, who was in the meeting.

A young man, just before leaving on his mission, stood in Sacrament Meeting and bore, in essence, the following testimony. "My Brothers and Sisters, as you know, during the past few weeks I have been awaiting my mission call. During the time I was waiting I had a dream I was in the pre-existence and was awaiting my call to come to earth. I was filled with the same excitement and anticipation that I had before I received my mission call. In my dream, I was talking to a friend. He was a very dear friend, and I felt a special closeness to him, even though I've never met him in this life. As we talked, a messenger came and gave me a letter. I knew it was my call to go to earth. In great excitement my friend and I opened the letter I gave it to him and asked him to read it aloud. The letter said: You have been called to earth in a special time and to a special land. You will be born into the true church, and you will have the priesthood of God in your home. You will be raised with many advantages and many blessings. You will be born in a land of plenty-a land of freedom. You will go to earth in the United States of America. "My friend and I rejoiced as we read my call. And while we rejoiced, the messenger returned. This time he had a letter for my friend. We knew it was his call to earth. My friend gave me the letter to read aloud. The letter said: You have been called to go to earth in circumstances of poverty and strife. You will not be raised in the true church. Many hardships will attend your life. Your land will be fraught with political and social difficulties which will hinder the word of the Lord. You will be born in Costa Rica. We wept, my friend and I as we read his call. And my friend looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "when we are down on earth, you in your choice land and me in Costa Rica, my friend, come and find me." Then this young missionary, with tears in his own eyes, said, "Brothers and Sisters, I have received my mission call. I am going to Costa Rica. There is a special sequel to this story. About a year after this Sacrament Meeting, the Bishop to this Ward received a letter form the Missionary in Costa Rica. The letter had one sheet of paper in it, and on the sheet was written in inch-high letter four word: I FOUND MY FRIEND. (From the Journal of Floyd A. Hill.)

Elder Hoffman said that when he met Doris, he felt as if he knew her, and that he knew her very well. The spirit was so strong, telling him that this woman that he just met was special. Then it hit him. Alright, now you may have already guessed where I am going with this, but I am so happy to tell you that Elder Hoffman has found his friend!